vers. 7 Jul 2024 - beta

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Last QSO

Band Mode Min
 CallsignDXFlagsStart TimeBandMode 
IK4DRY 4S7SPG Italy - Sri Lanka 10:4417mCW 
PD1WGL PE2PVD/P Netherlands - Netherlands 10:4440mLSB 
OH6FSO DL9LAW Finland - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:4415mFT8 
BH8BMZ UD6AMI China - European Russia 10:4412mFT8 
PD0HLA A60TET/10 Netherlands - United Arab Emirates 10:4410mFT8 
SV2FNT PA3EWS Greece - Netherlands 10:4410mFT8 
EA5HKZ EA7KUG Spain - Spain 10:4440mSSB 
HC1DAZ CO2RVA Ecuador - Cuba 10:4480mFT8 
W0GLB K0TPP United States - United States 10:4340mFT8 
VK3IGK N9ITB Australia - United States 10:4340mFT8 
PD9FJ 32 Netherlands - 10:4320mFT8 
3Z9VI DL/OE7RDI/P Poland - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:4340mLSB 
PE1MTT KP2BH Netherlands - US Virgin Is. 10:4317mFT8 
JA3EKL JH1TJH Japan - Japan 10:4340mFT8 
F4GPK JA7IC France - Japan 10:4315mFT8 
HB9EDG A61DI Switzerland - United Arab Emirates 10:4310mFT8 
BD8BSF S57RV China - Slovenia 10:4315mFT8 
G4XNA LZ2KV England - Bulgaria 10:4310mFT8 
F4JGI EA1BPA France - Spain 10:4330mFT8 
JM7GTK JM8FEI Japan - Japan 10:4340mFT8 
FK8CE JA1EOD New Caledonia - Japan 10:4317mFT8 
HC1DAZ K1HTV Ecuador - United States 10:4380mFT8 
IZ4AIF HF24WODA Italy - Poland 10:4320mFT8 
WI0R YD8CXQ United States - Indonesia 10:4340mFT8 
5B4AIX G7RRQ Cyprus - England 10:4312mSSB 
HA7NB DO2BOS Hungary - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:4315MFT8 
M7OJA SP2QCR England - Poland 10:4220mFT8 
PD9FJ RA9AMO Netherlands - Asiatic Russia 10:4220mFT8 
PD9FJ 32 Netherlands - 10:4220mFT8 
PY2DN BA4RF Brazil - China 10:4217mFT8 
DL3HBF V73WW Fed. Republic of Germany - Marshall Is. 10:4220mFT8 
PD0HLA A65RW Netherlands - United Arab Emirates 10:4210mFT8 
EA4HAI F5RRS Spain - France 10:4210mFT4 
BD4UJ V73WW China - Marshall Is. 10:4220mFT8 
DL0YY DL75DARC Fed. Republic of Germany - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:4230mFT8 
IZ0MYH 5N9DTG Italy - Nigeria 10:4215mFT8 
VK7HDM W4IMD Australia - United States 10:4220mFT8 
F8AOF SM0EHV France - Sweden 10:4212mFT4 
IZ5ILJ 5N9DTG Italy - Nigeria 10:4210mFT8 
SV8NAJ YO2MD Greece - Romania 10:4215mFT8 
SV3RZK F5TIY Greece - France 10:4210mUSB 
IW1PPB F5VMH Italy - France 10:4220mFT8 
IZ3ZLT IT9SKY Italy - Italy 10:4220mSSB 
WX2U K3RJS United States - United States 10:4280mFT8 
HB9EFK DL0NM Switzerland - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:4210mFT8 
IZ4AIF I1FLC Italy - Italy 10:4220mFT8 
HA7NB F/YO6BLM Hungary - France 10:4215MFT8 
JA3EKL JA5DZJ Japan - Japan 10:4240mFT8 
SV1MOZ UR9QQ Greece - Ukraine 10:4212mFT8 
EA4HAI DF4XX Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:4110mFT4 
F1DSZ EH7AID France - Spain 10:4120mFT8 
IW2DIW DJ9FBA Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:4130mFT8 
OE4ATS R3NBI Austria - European Russia 10:4110mFT8 
DJ9FBA IW2DIW Fed. Republic of Germany - Italy 10:4130MFT8 
HB9EDG BG4INY Switzerland - China 10:4110mFT8 
F4GPK VK4HG France - Australia 10:4115mFT8 
EA5QS DF3IAL Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:4110mFT4 
PY2DN UA9LCY Brazil - Asiatic Russia 10:4117mFT8 
BI3OGV JE2CGR China - Japan 10:4130mFT8 
VK7HDM KA2G Australia - United States 10:4120mFT8 
HC1DAZ N8RIG Ecuador - United States 10:4180mFT8 
DL0YY DA0FWK Fed. Republic of Germany - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:4130mFT8 
PD4FL YO9DEH Netherlands - Romania 10:4110mFT8 
HB3YBK KP3AV Switzerland - Puerto Rico 10:4110mFT8 
BG9JGP F5HNQ China - France 10:4112mFT8 
5B4AIX G4HUC Cyprus - England 10:4112mSSB 
OK1ALX RV3DCK Czech Republic - European Russia 10:4113cmFT8 
EA3DJL VU5PZK Spain - India 10:4020mSSB 
M7OJA HF95PZK England - Poland 10:4020mFT8 
IK1DFH CT7/OK2PYA/P Italy - Portugal 10:4015mCW 
F4IBJ 9A2TN France - Croatia 10:4010mFT4 
PA7ZZ EH5ANT Netherlands - Spain 10:4010mFT4 
SV3RZK UR6IKK Greece - Ukraine 10:4010mUSB 
VK7HDM BI4VKA Australia - China 10:4020mFT8 
DL6EL HB9JNM Fed. Republic of Germany - Switzerland 10:4030mFT8 
R8LCA RV3F Asiatic Russia - European Russia 10:4010mFT8 
DM6MA 5N9DTG Fed. Republic of Germany - Nigeria 10:4012mFT8 
IW1PPB RZ4FWA Italy - European Russia 10:4020mFT8 
EA5JN EA3IPB Spain - Spain 10:4020mCW 
RZOSW RA4HEF European Russia - European Russia 10:4012MFT8 
VK2BDG EI4KF Australia - Ireland 10:4015mFT8 
JA3EKL JG1APX Japan - Japan 10:4040mFT8 
YT3SM UX7QV Serbia - Ukraine 10:4020mFT8 
SV1MOZ 4J3DJ Greece - Azerbaijan 10:4012mFT8 
IT9JAV DL4VCS Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:4015mFT8 
ON1JP HA8UT Belgium - Hungary 10:4010mFT8 
R6YY H44MS European Russia - Solomon Is. 10:4010MSSB 
SA4BLM OM6RT/P Sweden - Slovak Republic 10:4020mUSB 
PA7ZZ EA5QS Netherlands - Spain 10:3910mFT4 
BD8BSF JE1CMC China - Japan 10:3915mFT8 
OH6IH EA3CCI Finland - Spain 10:3915mFT8 
EA3HMM EA5AQL Spain - Spain 10:3980mFT8 
F4GPK ZD7CTO France - Saint Helena 10:3915mFT8 
SV3RZK SP5SOP Greece - Poland 10:3910mUSB 
UB3AYQ RD9OF European Russia - Asiatic Russia 10:3915mCW 
G0AKH G0LJV England - England 10:3940mFT8 
N0EUV K0TPP United States - United States 10:3980mFT8 
DK4RH 5N9DTG Fed. Republic of Germany - Nigeria 10:3912mFT8 
IT9GSZ DJ3JD Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:3910mFT8 
OZ1LXL V73WW Denmark - Marshall Is. 10:3920mFT8 
R8LCA R5AV Asiatic Russia - European Russia 10:3910mFT8 
DL0YY DL5SUA Fed. Republic of Germany - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:3930mFT8 
PA3AGN EH7AID Netherlands - Spain 10:3920mFT8 
EA5QS PA7ZZ Spain - Netherlands 10:3910mFT4 
SP9MOC CU8AF Poland - Azores 10:3910mFT4 
HB9EFK DL7GP Switzerland - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:3910mFT8 
BG9JGP RD7P China - European Russia 10:3912mFT8 
HC1DAZ VK3AWA Ecuador - Australia 10:3930mFT8 
IZ3ZLT IW0HAM Italy - Italy 10:3920mSSB 
WI0R N1NZL United States - United States 10:3940mFT8 
HA7NB DG1PU Hungary - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:3915MFT8 
IK2JTS IQ2DB Italy - Italy 10:3920mSSB 
WX2U K3CEV United States - United States 10:3980mFT8 
5B4AIX LA2UJA Cyprus - Norway 10:3912mSSB 
IK4JQR ZD7CTO Italy - Saint Helena 10:3815mFT8 
SV1EKI JA7GVE Greece - Japan 10:3815mFT4 
EA4HAI R7NO Spain - European Russia 10:3810mFT4 
F1DSZ PD5FM France - Netherlands 10:3820mFT8 
F4IBJ UR5FEO France - Ukraine 10:3810mFT4 
ON3LMA 2E0FTD/P Belgium - England 10:3840mSSB 
JA6FOD PY7XC Japan - Brazil 10:3820mFT8 
BD4UJ VK9XU China - Christmas Is. 10:3812mFT8 
VK7HDM N7GHZ Australia - United States 10:3820mFT8 
VK2AEV XR2AID Australia - Chile 10:3840mFT8 
JA3EKL JG1APX Japan - Japan 10:3840mFT8 
F4JGI OZ4DCJ France - Denmark 10:3830mFT8 
8S2X HB9AKE Sweden - Switzerland 10:3810mFT8 
JA7GVE SV1EKI Japan - Greece 10:3815mFT4 
JK8SBF VK9XU Japan - Christmas Is. 10:3810mFT8 
DL2AKT EA5QS Fed. Republic of Germany - Spain 10:3810mFT4 
IZ8VYU UA4SJO Italy - European Russia 10:3810mFT8 
ON3URT DL6EL Belgium - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:3830mFT8 
EA2RCU UA9UNG Spain - Asiatic Russia 10:3810mFT8 
FK8CE PY2DN New Caledonia - Brazil 10:3817mFT8 
IZ4AIF II2V Italy - Italy 10:3820mFT8 
IK4IDF A65D Italy - United Arab Emirates 10:3810mSSB 
F8AOF G3VMY France - England 10:3820mFT4 
R6DME RL2H European Russia - European Russia 10:3820MSSB 
IX1HPN IW9ANR/QRP Italy - Italy 10:3820mSSB 
SP2MG 3Z95PZK Poland - Poland 10:3820mUSB 
EA5QS DL2AKT Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:3810mFT4 
F8NHF 4S7SPG France - Sri Lanka 10:3815mCW 
SV1MOZ IZ5OVP Greece - Italy 10:3812mFT8 
OH6NEQ V73WW Finland - Marshall Is. 10:3720mFT8 
EA4HAI RL3F Spain - European Russia 10:3710mFT4 
F4IBJ M0JFG France - England 10:3710mFT4 
OK7JN YB1MIG Czech Republic - Indonesia 10:3712mFT8 
KC4HQS BG6GQE United States - China 10:3740mFT8 
IW2OHP RV6F Italy - European Russia 10:3715mFT8 
DM6MA 5N9DTG Fed. Republic of Germany - Nigeria 10:3710mFT8 
IW2ENA BG5EIB Italy - China 10:3710mFT8 
PY2DN FK8CE Brazil - New Caledonia 10:3717mFT8 
IT9GSZ A61DI Italy - United Arab Emirates 10:3710mFT8 
OM0AJ TZ1CE Slovak Republic - Mali 10:3717mFT8 
JM7GTK JH1TJH Japan - Japan 10:3740mFT8 
R8LCA OE5TXF Asiatic Russia - Austria 10:3710mFT8 
BD8BSF 9M2OZF China - West Malaysia 10:3715mFT8 
DL6EL ON3URT Fed. Republic of Germany - Belgium 10:3730mFT8 
HB9HPR H44MS Switzerland - Solomon Is. 10:3710mUSB 
EA5JN EA2BTN Spain - Spain 10:3720mCW 
MI0NWA HA1DW Northern Ireland - Hungary 10:3720mFT8 
DK4RH R6LT Fed. Republic of Germany - European Russia 10:3712mFT8 
VK7HDM KD8JV Australia - United States 10:3720mFT8 
IZ5IMD HL1WP Italy - Republic of Korea (S. Korea) 10:3712mFT8 
SV3RZK ON7XB Greece - Belgium 10:3710mUSB 
F8AOF M0GGO France - England 10:3720mFT4 
FK8CE JH1OBQ New Caledonia - Japan 10:3717mFT8 
JA7GVE YD6AJJ Japan - Indonesia 10:3715mFT4 
HA0BY 3Z9PZK Hungary - Poland 10:3720mUSB 
IX1HPN IW6AFT Italy - Italy 10:3720mSSB 
ON1JP DL4MY Belgium - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:3710mFT8 
2E0WDS R7DX England - European Russia 10:3710mFT8 
OK1ALX F5IGF Czech Republic - France 10:3713cmFT8 
WI0R KB4FSU United States - United States 10:3740mFT8 
R4FDD SP5EGE European Russia - Poland 10:3720MFT8 
DN9JMS YO4LUP Fed. Republic of Germany - Romania 10:3610mFT8 
F1DSZ CN8NS France - Morocco 10:3620mFT8 
OE4ATS A60TET/5 Austria - Bhutan 10:3610mFT8 
W0GLB HI3LDC United States - Dominican Rep. 10:3640mFT8 
JA3EKL JM7GTK Japan - Japan 10:3640mFT8 
DO1FFO R5AV Fed. Republic of Germany - European Russia 10:3610mFT8 
F4JGI EA2EED France - Spain 10:3630mFT8 
JM7GTK JA3EKL Japan - Japan 10:3640mFT8 
BD8ENU DK8FG China - Fed. Republic of Germany 10:3615mFT8 
DO8FZ YO4GIY Fed. Republic of Germany - Romania 10:3610mFT8 
HB9TIH VK9XU Switzerland - Christmas Is. 10:3610mFT8 
BI1PLA EW4M China - Belarus 10:3617mFT8 
YO9AEQ F5LPL Romania - France 10:3615mFT8 
SV3RZK EA8CWA Greece - Canary Is. 10:3610mUSB 
F8DHA FP/F4HEC France - Saint Pierre & Miquelon 10:3620mCW 
LY3BFH RW0LO Lithuania - Asiatic Russia 10:3612MFT8 
FK8CE 7L1PIE New Caledonia - Japan 10:3617mFT8